
Create and sustain agile organizations that thrive in a disruptive world.

Create change narratives

Frequent changes in stakeholder expectations, technology, and the market make adaptability a competitive advantage. We partner with you to create change narratives that help all involved see the purpose and potential of your change efforts.

Conduct an Organizational Network Analysis

Finding and engaging key influencers is key to successful and sustainable change. However, more often than not, executives incorrectly identify effective change sponsors. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) provides visualizations of your social networks and key influencers, so you can involve those others trust and will follow in your change initiatives.

Build Change Capability

Once the purpose for the change is compelling and the right change sponsors are in place, your people need the ability to plan, measure, and learn from change initiatives. In addition to providing best-practice tools, we enable future innovation and growth by teaching change agents our emergent learning process.

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